Who is more annoying, Debra Morgan or Skyler White?

Walter H. White
: What the hell did you say to Elliot?

Skyler White: What?

Walter H. White: You told him about the cancer didn’t you? Didn’t you? I can’t believe it.

Skyler White: OK, we’re talking. He asked how you were doing and I am sorry but I don’t have the best poker face these days where that’s concerned. He knew something was wrong with you and he pressed me.

Walter H. White: He pressed you, come on.

Skyler White: Walt, when it came right down to it, I didn’t know what else to do but tell him the truth.

Walter H. White: The truth? Well how about you just said ‘He’s fine’ huh? You think maybe you could have just have said that? ‘He’s fine’ and then it would have been done.

Skyler White: I don’t like the way you’re talking to me.

…..And there it is! Skyler White, accordingly known as the gaudy, loud mouthed partner of our favorite drug king pin, Heisenberg ALWAYS knows what is best for Mr. White. The transcript above is just a mere sample of the majority of conversations that occur whenever the two interact in which Skyler makes every situation about, well, Skyler. Maybe it’s her protruding jaw, her menacing glares, her irritating voice, or the fact that her demeanor screams, in the immortal words of Jesse Pinkman, “B#@!#!!!”

Breaking-Bad-Skyler-Buyout-425x299What truly makes Skyler annoying? Is it that she so vehemently attempts to foil the Robin Hood of the drug industry? Is it her pompous attitude that consistently lambastes Walter and all of those around her? Is it her face? Or may it be the fact that she is the most human of all characters in a show where reality is something we as viewers are hoping is disregarded for the benefit of Mr. White?

The overarching issue stems from a chicken-and-egg issue: negatively-written female characters leading to hatred amongst male fans or hatred amongst male fans encourage negatively-written female characters.

Anddddd in the right corner, at 5’7’’ weighing in at… “What the F#!@, S#!@, D##!$, F#!@ F#!@ F###@@!!!!!!”

Well then, if you didn’t know, that last bit of dialogue definitely confirmed that our contender is no other than Debra Morgan.  Debra Morgan is a female who walks and talks like a dude while acting like a Neanderthal, leaving us to question, why? Throughout the show, the character of Debra has been present to illustrate the humanity Dexter expresses through his affection for his baby sister. Consistent flash backs are shown with Harry, Dexter and Debra depicting their interactions while growing up and how a normal childhood was consistently strives for in their household. One thing of notice during these interactions is the child version of Debra doesn’t seem to have developed her terrible mouth at a young age. What makes Debra one of the most annoying characters in the history of television?

GalleryPersonally, I believe the way that she craves attention from her brother to make up for the lack of attention she got from her deceased father (because he was busy teaching his son how to successfully murder people) is the intermittent reason for her nastiness. C’mon Deb, get with the program here!

Need I mention her hypersensitivity, her constant complaining about her boyfriends, her creepy obsession with Dexter, and her incessant whining about not getting promoted quickly enough to everyone in her precinct? I believe television characters are meant to be relatable. We’re meant to resonate with them and feel their joy and pain. I don’t see how a character that comes across as a crude, annoying, selfish young lady is going to get fans. This, I believe is the reason for why she her annoying nature irks fans everywhere. One of the questions one may ask is, is Deb hated because she is a female character on a show where the protagonist is a male?

Frankly, I’ve noticed the issue amongst a lot of shows with a male lead and a (however minor) male majority of viewers, where the female characters tend to antagonist our hero and be despised for it. Though there are a lot of people who dislike Deb or Lumen for one reason or another, but I suspect they’re a vocal minority — of course, Deb can be over-emotional (a hot-button issue for many men) and Lumen definitely changed the dynamic of the show (most people do dislike change). But, c’mon, LaGuerta is hated, not for being a woman, but for being a manipulative, self-aggrandizing jerk who happens to be female. And, Batista has been lambasted for the changes in his character. Rita, I suspect, was almost universally beloved in the first season and it was only when she became Dexter’s foil and especially problematic and antagonist that people soured on her.

This in turn, leads one to deduce that Deb is annoying not for her being a woman, but for being well, a foul mouthed, whiny, clingy character.

And now, the main question..

Who is the more annoying: Deb Morgan or Skyler White?!!?!

After taking a multitude of factors into consideration, looking at how this character not only annoys the protagonist, but also all of those around her, this distinguished honor is bestowed upon….

                                                                                                                                                         SKYLER WHITE!breaking-bad-hazard-pay-6

Skyler White takes the cake since she not only annoys Walter White, but also her son, who is afflicted by cerebral palsy. She also annoys her sister (who has a hard enough time not annoying herself as it is), Hank, Saul Goodman, Jesse Pinkman, Gus Frien, and I am positive if Hector Salamanca were to meet her, he would “DING!” his bell till his fingers fell off.

Skyler far exceeds Deb in her annoyance due to one primary reason. Dexter conducts serial murders out of his necessity to do so, by being a serial killer. Walter White though, is a chemistry teacher by trade and a drug dealer out of necessity. His necessity for being a drug dealer is altruistic initially in that he wants to leave as much money as possible for his family before he is gone, and also decides to end his involvement once the car wash is up and running properly for his family. And what does poor Walter get in return?! He gets the most annoying female spouse in television history to lambaste him and consistently put him down and threaten to emasculate him at every turn!

Bravo Skyler White, you win.

And to Debra Morgan, for shame, as you were very close to winning but yet so far from being liked due to your petulance and linguistic skills similar to that of a blind, bitter sailor who has been lost at sea for 60 years only to find out he was never at sea to begin with, just in his mom’s basement the entire time.

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